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Heal Your Life, Heal the World: establishing health as a pre-requisite for accomplishing your true spiritual purpose in life
With the scientific advances of the 20th and 21st centuries, we the human race should be healthy and thriving. We actually know how to prevent and cure virtually all diseases. Every polluting technology has green, sustainable alternatives on the shelf, right now. So, why hasn’t this happened? To learn more, click here.

Keep Your Gallbladder! how to eliminate the pain of gallbladder attacks and reverse gallstones naturally, without the risks of surgery. 2nd Ed.
Gallstones are far to common. Gallbladder attacks can be painful and debilitating. The conventional treatment of choice is surgery to remove the gallbladder. This procedure, however, is neither completely safe nor effective for long term health. There are safer and more effective options. Click here to find out what they are.

Guidebook to Naturopathic Medicine & Natural Health Care for Families
This is a free, new, 30 page ebook by Dr. Cage that will explain many of your options for high quality, high service health care, and will help families and individuals navigate the world of natural and alternative health care, which can be confusing even for the experienced.

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