Dr. Arlan Cage, ND, Naturopathic Physician
Bitterroot Valley, Hamilton Wellness Clinic
The Dr. Cage Wellness Clinic began offering natural health care services to the Bitterroot Valley in April 2023. Satisfied patients giving testimonials and referrals has been our biggest source of new patients, and we are eternally grateful.
We are excited to expand our practice to include more services, additional office management support, and a new 2025 pricing structure in order to make natural health care available to all. We would like to give you the first opportunity to join our new Wellness Plan Membership.

Dr. Arlan Cage, ND

Dr. Cage ND Appointments -
Bitterroot Valley, Hamilton Clinic
RCEDA Business Center -
274 Old Corvallis Rd, Suite D
Hamilton, MT 59840 (east entrance)
(North of the Fairgrounds)
Office - 406-361-8073
email - drcagesays@gmail.com
Office Hours
Tuesday & Thursday - 9 am-3 pm
Wednesday & Friday - 1 pm-6 pm
Saturday - Special courses 11am-2pm
Sunday and Monday - closed
(other times by special appointment)
(Private Instruction by appointment)
Specialties -
Internal Medicine
Structural Medicine
Structural Alignment
Gentle Strains Sprains reset
Immunity, Adrenals, Stress
Hormones, Thyroid,
Energy Medicine/Treatments
Kinesiology testing
Herbal Remedies/tonics
Homeopathic Medicine
non-toxic Remedies
non-invasive treatments
Food Allergies/Sensitivitie
Pain relief
Longevity and Anti-aging
**Affordable payment options