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Dr. Cage Says ...
Patreon Membership 

Health, Consciousness & Human Potential Hosted on Patreon
Membership applies to all Dr. Cage Says Courses and Services, including Energy, Healing and Qigong courses!

What is Patreon?
Patreon is an online membership service that makes it easy for creators to share content. Originally aimed at musicians and artists, people in many fields of endeavor have adopted it as a convenient tool to share information with select audiences, who perhaps want to go more in-depth than usual. Dr. Cage has adopted this model to create his online health community for upgrading Health, Consciousness and Human Potential.
There are 3 tiers of membership, to help meet the needs of those with varying levels of engagement, time and resources.  All three levels provide greater access to Dr. Cage's expertise, and material he does not offer to the general public. Descriptions of these levels are just below, along with the link to the Dr. Cage Says Patreon Health Community.

Enthusiast Benefits - $9 monthly 30% discount

• Member-only newsletter

• Members-only Blog

• The Core Health Lectures

• ebook discounts 15% off retail

• Discounts off special classes 30%


Suitable for those who desire to learn the basics of health, perhaps need assistance getting started, like the idea of the support of an on-line community

  To learn more, visit the community at

bubble people on yoga mat
Mastery Benefits - $33 monthly 50% discount

• All Enthusiast benefits plus:

• ebook discounts 30% off retail

• Discount off special classes 50%

• Mastery-Level Webinars

• Live Q&A session, group format

• Ancient Longevity program, 20% discount


You may have a working knowledge of the basics and are ready for more, perhaps expand beyond the basics of nutrition into other forms of self care

  To learn more, visit the community at

Virtuoso Benefits - $86 monthly includes most courses and services

• All Health Mastery and Enthusiast benefits plus:

•ebook discounts 40% off retail

•Special Classes Free of Charge

•Virtuoso-Level Webinars

•Qigong for Health & Longevity (online classes)

•Ancient Longevity Program, 40% discount


Ready to go “all in” and achieve the highest levels possible of health, consciousness and longevity

To learn more, visit the community at

exuberant woman dancing
Long Term Health Coaching - $110 monthly 

This level is best suited for those with an interest in implementing healthy lifestyles, and need better coaching and guidance to get started.  This program lasts 6 months, and can be renewed as necessary.

• Qigong for Health & Longevity (online classes)

• CORE Videos

• 2 consultations per month to implement the information

Ready to go “all in” and achieve the highest levels possible of health, consciousness and longevity

To learn more, visit the community at

Concierge Medicine Program - $225 monthly 

This level is for those wishing to participate in the Concierge medicine program, and don't wish to pay the full $2250 per year in advance.  The $225 per month rate computes to $2700 per year when paid monthly.

• Qigong for Health & Longevity (online classes)

• CORE Videos

• 48 consultations or physical/energy treatments per year

• Annual physical exam

• Does not include lab tests or supplements/medications

• Eliminates the problems with lack of access to health care endemic in the current conventional medical system.

Ready to go “all in” and achieve the highest levels possible of health, consciousness and longevity

To learn more, visit the community at

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